Maho Takahashi

Linguistics PhD





Subset/select rows and columns in a pandas dataframe

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':['10/2/2011', '10/2/2011', '11/2/2011', '12/2/2011', '13/2/2011'],
                   'Product':['umbrella', 'matress', 'badminton', 'shuttle', 'jacket'],
                   'Updated_Price':[880, 1250, 1450, 1550, 400],
                   'Discount':[10, 8, 20, 15, 10]})
Date Product Updated_Price Discount
0 10/2/2011 umbrella 880 10
1 10/2/2011 matress 1250 8
2 11/2/2011 badminton 1450 20
3 12/2/2011 shuttle 1550 15
4 13/2/2011 jacket 400 10

subset columns with column names

df[['Product', 'Discount']]
Product Discount
0 umbrella 10
1 matress 8
2 badminton 20
3 shuttle 15
4 jacket 10

subset columns with column indexes

df.iloc[:, [1,3]]
Product Discount
0 umbrella 10
1 matress 8
2 badminton 20
3 shuttle 15
4 jacket 10

subset rows with row indexes

df.iloc[[1,3], :]
Date Product Updated_Price Discount
1 10/2/2011 matress 1250 8
3 12/2/2011 shuttle 1550 15

select rows that contain a particular value

#perfect match
df[df['Product'] == 'shuttle']
Date Product Updated_Price Discount
3 12/2/2011 shuttle 1550 15
#partial match
df[df['Product'].str.contains("ll", na=False)]
Date Product Updated_Price Discount
0 10/2/2011 umbrella 880 10

select rows based on a condition

df[df['Updated_Price'] > 1000]
Date Product Updated_Price Discount
1 10/2/2011 matress 1250 8
2 11/2/2011 badminton 1450 20
3 12/2/2011 shuttle 1550 15

select both rows and columns with indexes

df.iloc[0:2, 1:3]
Product Updated_Price
0 umbrella 880
1 matress 1250

select every nth row

df.iloc[::2, :] #every 2nd row
Date Product Updated_Price Discount
0 10/2/2011 umbrella 880 10
2 11/2/2011 badminton 1450 20
4 13/2/2011 jacket 400 10

select columns of a certain data type

df.select_dtypes(include = "number")
Updated_Price Discount
0 880 10
1 1250 8
2 1450 20
3 1550 15
4 400 10

select rows that do (not) exist in another dataset

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Date':['10/2/2011', '9/2/2011', '11/2/2011'],
                   'Product':['umbrella', 'couch', 'badminton'],
                   'Updated_Price':[880, 1750, 1450],
                   'Discount':[10, 9, 20]})

df[~df.isin(df2).all(1)] #remove ~ if you want to select rows that do exist in df2
Date Product Updated_Price Discount
1 10/2/2011 matress 1250 8
3 12/2/2011 shuttle 1550 15
4 13/2/2011 jacket 400 10