Maho Takahashi

Linguistics PhD





How to normalize acceptability scores

In acceptability judgment experiments, participants make use of an acceptability scale (most commonly the 7-point Likert scale) in various ways; some people use 1 and 7 exclusively, while other people stick to 3 through 5. In order to normalize their scores, it is common to convert raw acceptability to z-scores (standard scores). In python, I will use the scipy package to achieve this.

import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import zscore
sample = pd.read_csv('./sampledata.csv')
Movement Island_Type Island Distance Item Sentence Subj_id List Score
0 WH whe non sh 1 Who thinks that Paul stole the necklace? 1 1 6
1 WH whe non sh 2 Who thinks that Matt chased the bus? 1 1 2
2 WH whe non sh 3 Who thinks that Tom sold the television? 1 1 3
sample['Z_score'] = sample.groupby('Subj_id').transform(lambda x : zscore(x,ddof=1))
0    6
1    2
2    3
3    7
4    2
Name: Score, dtype: int64
0    1.265785
1   -0.734468
2   -0.234405
3    1.765848
4   -0.734468
Name: Z_score, dtype: float64