Ongoing projects:
Island sensitivity of relative clauses

- For my dissertation project, I have run a series of factorial-design acceptability experiments to examine the island effect exihibited by relative clauses in Japanese and other languages, and investigated why the effect itself often has only a small impact on sentence acceptability.
- Results presented in the following conferences (with link to slides/posters): CUNY 34, CAMP 4, CLS 58, HSP 36(1/2)).
Presupposition of ‘only’

- I conducted multiple experiments to find out what is presupposed by English focus marker ‘only’; is it the prejacent of the sentence (e.g., “John ate only bananas” presupposes that “John ate (at least) bananas”), or something else? My focus is on whether a certain experimental paradigm, namely the one that proffers alternative propositions in the form of response options, can change the presuppositional component of ‘only’.
- Presented at AMLaP 2021
Scalar implicature in online experiments

- I examined the effect of presentation modality (video/picture/text), as well as the presence of an in-person experimenter, on the way participants engage in pragmatic reasoning, with a focus on the well-known “some-but-not-all” implicature.
- Presented at 2022 ELM (Experiments in Linguistic Meaning)
computational modelling of island constraints in Japanese

- I evaluated neural language models like LSTM and GPT-2 to find out if they are capable of capturing grammatical constraints such as islands in Japanese.
- Findings presented at SCiL 6
- Link to code
Past projects:
- Computational modelling of relative clause attachment preference in Japanese (write-up available here)
- Evaluating correlations between environmental and linguistic features (presented at 2022 JcoLE workshop “Machine Learning and the Evolution of Language”; slides)
- English-speaking children’s acquisition of passive structures (write-up available here)
- Japanese-speaking children’s acquisition of the syntactic constraints on floating quantifiers (write-up available here)
- Examination of verb restructuring in purpose clause and gerundive clause in Japanese (write-up available here)